Can Gambling Be A Job?

22 December 2022

You might wonder whether gambling can actually be a job. Being a professional gambler probably doesn’t sound feasible to most readers. However, the opposite is true, and one can actually gamble as a job and make a good living off it.

In this article, we will not only discuss how gambling can be a job, but we will also post the results of the interview we’ve conducted with Kim Hultman, more commonly known as LetsGiveItaSpin on Twitch.

What Does a Professional Gambler do?

LetsGiveItASpin, a famous casino streamer on Twitch, associated with

Professional gamblers come in many forms. There are professional poker players for instance and punters who win consistently by arbitrage betting on sports teams. Then there are casino affiliates, which are webmasters or content creators that generate traffic to online casinos, poker rooms, and bookmakers, and get paid to do so. Another popular form of professional gambling is being a casino streamer.

One of the most famous professional gamblers as of writing this guide is Kim Hultman. He is part of the CasinoGrounds community and streams his slots and poker adventures on a daily basis on Twitch.

For this article, we conducted an interview with him to gain more insights into how he experiences his job as a professional gambler.

When asked: What are the benefits of being a professional gambler as you see it? Kim responded by saying that the benefits are that you’re your own boss and that you can choose when to work and when not to.

When we discussed the risks associated with becoming a professional gambler and asked him what the biggest risks are that people need to vary of, he replied by saying that the downside can obviously be very costly and that if you’re alone, gambling can be very lonely, both of which can cause stress.

When we asked Kim if he had any tips for anyone thinking of becoming a professional gambler, he answered:

‘’Risk is that it can be very costly because the swings in gambling are high. Also, if you overrate your own ability to beat the game, you might end up losing. My advice is to always start small and go slow. Also, in the case of streaming, you have to be honest with your audience; if you take quick money and you’re dishonest, you’ll lose trust, which can be impossible to regain.’’

Now that we know what a professional gambler does and how to get the most out of the job, let’s ask ourselves the question:

Why Become a Professional Gambler?

Most people probably just want to get rich without working hard. However, don’t be mistaken, as there are both pros and cons to becoming a professional gambler. Just like Kim said, you’re your own boss and can totally determine your own hours. Despite this, it is still important to value time whilst being completely independent and not let this freedom get you in the end.

You can compare being a professional gambler a bit with being a freelancer, where there are no set times, but where you still have responsibilities. A professional punter still needs to do research before a sports match starts, a casino affiliate still has to maintain his or her website(s), and streamers have to prepare deals, content, and more before going live.

It is also mandatory that you don’t let gambling turn into a dangerous passion that can threaten both your financial and personal life.

Promoting Gambling Companies

Although you could work at or promote other online casinos, poker rooms, and bookmakers, it is also possible to start your own casino nowadays or at least a gambling affiliate site. Where this used to take a lot of resources and time back in the day, it is now easier than ever to get started with it and many millennials are making good money with it. Apart from sending traffic to gambling sites from your own casino affiliate website, have you ever thought about the possibilities on YouTube, Twitch, and other social media platforms?

FAQs About Gambling as a Profession

We receive many questions regarding gambling as a profession on our site. For completeness of this article, we will answer these below.

  1. What are possible careers in gambling?

    There are many possible careers in gambling, especially with the ever-growing iGaming industry in mind. Not only could you become a live Blackjack or Roulette dealer in your local land-based casino, but you could also work as a business analyst, content writer, social media specialist, motion graphic artist, or live casino coordinator. Check out if you’re interested in open gambling-related vacancies

  2. Can you work in gambling without actually gambling?

    Yes, it is completely possible to work in gambling without actually gambling yourself. Some of the roles we discussed in the previous FAQ, for example, don’t require you to gamble at all.

  3. Is a professional gambler a thing?

    As we just discussed in this article, professional gambling and professional gamblers are certain things in today’s society. The global casinos market is set to reach over $153,2 billion by 2026 according to a recent report published on Yahoo! Finance.

  4. Can you earn a living from gambling?

    Yes, you can earn a living from gambling, but also by sponsorship and affiliate deals. In the end, there are multiple ways of making a living with gambling and not all are that risky.

Author Morten

After being a recreational gambler for over 10 years, my professional gambling career started at LeoVegas in January 2019. I am now Head of SEO & Content at Casinogrounds, responsible for what you read on,, and